Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Adult List

This almost sounds like a porn career... However-for many reasons--it is not and instead is the ever growing list of things I need to figure out how to deal with. Things that make me nervous or give me pause--I know I need to handle them but I DON'T WANNA!

It's important and random things like dentist appointments and budgeting for a new computer and figuring how and when I can get the couch reupholstered... When are Johnno and I going to sit down and work out a game plan for a wedding, much less the budget for one... When am I going to work out all the little life necessities that i just don't have right now and how can I budget for them...

The list overwhelms me.

I wish there had been a class in college called "How to handle real life shit" that would have touched on insurance and retirement plans and budgeting and scheduling things like teeth cleaning and car tune ups and all the other stuff you only figure out by failing at.

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