Monday, November 03, 2003

Fate & whatever....
SO Today I was supposed to go to the second interview with TLA--the place I was at on Thursday... I have been hemming and hawing about this job thing because it is not something that I thought I would want to do... It's sport advertising, 60 plus hours, for 6.75 an hour.... It would be different if this jon would have served some major purpose career-wise but.... I was really torn as what to do....

Then fate entered the picture.... It was raining kind of hard when I woke up, and since it was a walk to the interview--about an hour and a half.... I debated not going on in.... Then I decided that I should get ready and then if the rain has let up, I would just throw on a rain coat and go... Just give it a shot, that there was nothing else I had to do.... So I left on time, was havinga great time walking ther when about twenty minutes from the office it started to rain, rain hard....

There I am, standing in a wool suit, rain coat but no umbrella, just getting soaked... I decided to keep going towards the office and just before the final bend I look down and the blue suit has bled onto my white shirt and I see myself in a store window.... Soaking wet, hair destroyed and just looking like an idiot. (A grinning one though, cause I love the rain....) I had a choice to make... Did I blow off the interview and try to reschedule it? Did I just go to the office and try and rise above the wetness even though it would make me look dumb? Or did I just aknowledge that this was fate's way of deciding that I really didn't want this job--something I was already thinking? Well.... I didn't go in, walked all the way back home rocking out on my walk-man and am about to call the office and see if I can reschedule.... If it's not meant to be...well....what can you do?

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