Monday, October 03, 2005

Three Legged Bitch With His Bitches.

So last night we went to drinks—Valeska, Edie, Alyssa, Lizzie, Kelly and the new boy—Wes. It was fun, just all of us hanging at Match and soaking in gin and tonics, strange stunt men working Edie for job leads and the humor of Lizzie ‘drunk’ panic. (My favorite exchange of the night was asking Lizzie if she and Alyssa had made out in the bathroom and Lizzie not seeing Alyssa in there and wondering “Oh God, did I go in the wrong bathroom?” and My response “Well if you didn’t see an urinal then she did.” Even better was the realization that Alyssa was at the edge of the bar talking to a much older man about the East Coast-making our talk useless.)

I fully came to realize that Wes is the perfect guy for Kelly—he was funny and got it and was freaked out by the force of us all being stupid and cliquish and just seemed to enjoy the night and himself. (That and the boy can hold his liquor. Way too go.) The only moment that gave me pause was the realization that the last time I had being drinking with this group was my ill-fated birthday. If Ruby had joined us I think I would have been too spooked to stay. But all in all it was a gas.

My favorite part was the end of the evening and how we all ended up at Le Sex Shoppe down the street from Kelly and Lizzie’s. there is not like being half in the bag and watching your drunker, louder friends squealing at the dildos, trannie films and other sexual oddities as a man with a strange resemblance to Bob from ‘Twin Peaks’ watches. God lord it was fun—though awkward when at the end of the night we all realized that we were leaving poor Lizzie with Wes and Kelly and “scary last night of trip” sex.

But I did find a new name for my autobiography. “Three Legged Bitch” (Trannie porn is brilliant.)

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