Saturday, October 22, 2005

If Case You Wonder About These Things

So Friday night was savaged by the combination of several random things. One was Bryant from work just doing his best to make me laugh and basically put the bug in my ear to do as little as possible. I didn't take a lunch and had come in early so I got out of there as early as possible. This helped a lot.

What helped even more was the night's activities. I ended up going out with Joy to pick up some last minute things for her Halloween costume. We talked on our way to mall about all the recent events in her life-yes Grant came up-and I just wanted to check in and see if she was okay. Joy definitely is still herself-which is a good thing.

We also picked up Lola and the ever fabulous Erykah for our shopping adventures. The four of us slummed around the mall and then I dragged the girls to Urban Outfitters because I had some clothes from on line that I wanted to return. I think I made the cashier's night when I answered "they're ugly" as to why I was returning certain things. On-line shopping is filled with risks and ugliness is one of them. (We also learned a new word-kakaphobic which is a fear of ugly. This word is now the latest in my expanding vocab.)

We topped the night off with a few rounds at the BR with Duncan, Dom, Cheryl and Shannon. Debates about art and costumes and film were had in plenty. It was good times and took my mind off things. Which is a good thing eh?

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