Monday, October 04, 2004

LA When It Works...

It is a rare thing but every so often this city seems to work for me. Not in a great, happy, "ohmigod-I-want-to-live-here-forever" sort of way but in a "sometimes I forget that this can be artistic more profit.

Take for example tonight... The first of the four 24 hour shows have started and it was great. People were eager and open and just willing to take a chance on the project and the subject matter. I was proud to be a part of a project that makes people think, question and explore their own views about politics and voting and the VERY IMPORTANT UPCOMING ELECTION.

But besides that, it showed me that Ruby and Kirby and I could come up and execute something from PADWAD. This was a thought that Ruby brought to the table and thought it took some time to heat up--it was amazing and powerful with strong writers and projects and a real showing of the type of talent that does exist in this city.

I sometimes think that people to often blame the city when, honestly, the city can become what you need it to be. Now, it is a different thing if you need something from a particular place, like the history of a Boston, the pace of a New York or even the poetry of San Francisco. But just don't forget that LA can be soemthing too...

And that is what the shows reminded me. That this city is full of talents yet to be discovered and explored. But that coming to together and doing it for yourself--that's a real artist. And doing something you believe in. That's a passionate artist.

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