Friday, September 30, 2005

I’m A Junkie—I’ll Admit

I’m in love with ‘Veronica Mars’. I just finally watched this season’s opener for the 3rd time and I think I love it as much as I loved ‘Buffy’—or at least ‘Angel’. I just think how cool it is that each season is a stand alone story like Buffy yet with the emotional core of its characters to keep us caring but not too heavy handed to be too soapy. It is just so witty and smart and coy. Just like my beloved Wedon shows.

And with this season’s new storyline focused on social status and wrong versus right side of the tracks—I am just loving it. What a shocking twist at the end but the romantic twists were even more shocking. This show is making me in to a fan boy all over again. I just love ‘Veronica Mars’.

(At this point I would like to point out that I do have a life and everything outside of television and spent most of this past year doing cool things like going to baseball games, shopping, partying at friends’ houses and going to bars. I do have a life and this show is not making me into a total geek. Yet.)

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