Friday, September 02, 2005

Are We Shallow?

So we went turtle racing the other night--I was rather hesitant because I have problem with exploitation--much less animal exploitation. I figured the poor turtles had no plan for escape and were just left to their own devices. But I was bored and it was my Sunday and so I decided to head off just because it got me out of the house and away from the TV and CNN and all the things I didn't want to see.

See I have been having a problem with Katrina--or rather the aftermath of Katrina. Normally I don't write about things like this, about things that don't involve me because it feels trite and self indulgent to write about my feelings regarding things that really--ibn some way don't effect my life.. Who am I to be expouinding on the tsunami or the war or things that don't etruly touch my life? It just seems condescending when there are people who really are suffering and hurt and have real losses.

But Katrina upsets me for another reason--our response. It is amazing that we have been so unprepared. That our government has taken 4 days to launch any type of real relief effort. I mean, this hurricane didn't just show up--it's not like an earthquake or a tsunami that just came out of the blue with no forewarning. We should have been prepared. It shouldn't be this way--with looting and raping and guns and just the worst of human behavior.

It just feels like there should be more that we should have done. That the awful things happening down there could have been avoided. And I just can't help but feel guilty about my life right now--working on a reality show that doesn't help anyone, shopping for nicotine ptaches and wrinkle creme and going to watch turtles. Even giving money doesn't feel like it is enough.

I just feel at a loss as what to do. It just feels like it shouldn't be this way.

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