Sunday, January 09, 2005

Saturday Fun.

Well—still raining and the ark is getting built as we speak. It’s kind of fun to watch the city fall apart at the seems. No one wants to do anything at all—except partying in Pasedena.

Some co-workers were throwing a kegger for Dax birthday and it is just as fun as it sounds. A random mix of OC kids, USC students and the girls they dug up. Kelly played games with all the boys, Valeska was too caked to do anything, JT was bored and Lizzie stewed in her own head. I was bored and dodging booze. (See Friday night for details.)

It was just one of those nights that wouldn’t work at. We just weren’t feeling. After a while we dragged Kelly out and went back to the girls’ place. We ate and talked and stumbled into bed early—for us.

So much fun—it hurts to write about it.

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