Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Just So Everyone Knows...

To you,

I’m writing this to try and clear up something that I recently learned. I know that AJ sent you either a link to my blog or cut and pasted one of my posts. I know that it was about when you announced that you and Matt landed an agent.

I haven’t read the post but know that I was annoyed when I wrote it. I still stand behind my words—I always do—but this doesn’t mean that I am jealous or upset over your successes as a writer. (This seems to be the rumor.) I just felt that on that evening you came by to brag and then left—that you didn’t come to be with your friends but just to show off. This is just my opinion from one moment in time.

I think you know that I do respect you and I have always been honest about my faults as a person. I’m not perfect. But I have always come to you when I have had a real problem and tried to talk things over. I don’t know why AJ would do this except to make drama and using a journal—a collection of emotions that are constantly changing—seems unfair to all involved.

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings and the things that are in my blog aren’t things I talk to people about because they’re just my own insights and a way to work them out. It’s just one perspective and no one else’s. I just hope that this hasn’t ruined any friendliness that we’re had.

I’m not a fool—we’ll never be true friends for reasons that I don’t really understand. But I have always respected you as a writer and as a person. It may not seem that way but it’s true. I hope you can believe that.

And at the end of the day this e-mail maybe a moot point. It’s not as if we were close and this is some defining moment in who we are to each other. I just wanted to clear the air because we have been so much in each other’s lives over the past ten years. And I respect that.

Feel free to do this e-mail as you will. Send it around, make fun of it, ignore it. I am just trying to be a better person here for someone that deserves it.

As always,


PS. I know that people think that I am upset about not being invited to the screening party you had. I admit I was taken back by not being included which is why I asked around and how I came to hear about all of this. The truth was I couldn’t have gone anyways since I was working nightshift on the Bill Shatner show for Spike TV. Just so you know.

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