Monday, January 24, 2005

Life is like a BLT

Tammy Fae once said that life is like a BLT sandwich—a Blessing, a Lesson and a Test. This really cracked me up at the time but this weekend seemed to prove that statement down to a T.

This was the first time in awhile that I genuinely enjoyed everything that I did all weekend. It started with a nice Friday night in for the evening, just reading my Madison biography and pigging out on carrots with hummus. I forget how much an evening in can do for my head and my body.

Saturday was slow but easy with a late wake up and a nice round of house cleaning just because I could. It’s nice to have the house just look so nice, sorted out and pretty. It was a good way to spend a morning. Afterwards Kelly and I met up with JT to help prep for his party that night—food shopping, prep and just trying to help calm his nerves. I think we did the job and then came the party.

The outfit was simple with t-shirt, jeans and cute sneakers and all about comfort. It set the right tone for a party all about light drinking, casual conversation and good-natured mingling. It was a party that I didn’t want to leave or feel out of place at. It was quite novel and the perfect party to sandwich between all the social events yet to come.

Sunday was laid back with a nice brunch with the girls and desecrating the current boy drama. (Note—if you tell us to change something and we change it and you don’t follow through on your end then don’t be surprise when we are pissed at you.) Brunch was followed up by the Patriots game, which rocked with a great win, great beer and even better chili.

This was followed by cake and coffee with JT on his actually birthday. I think he was really happy which was great to see. Though he can never use the phrase ‘taco bonanza’ ever again. That’s just gross.

In terms of a lesson—I just had to accept certain things from other people and accept more things about myself. I realize now that Skylar will have nothing more to do with me and that there is nothing that I can do to make the situation better. I am sad at the loss of his respect but I understand it.

I can have a slight rapport with Nick. We were never really close but if I continue to try and respect the balance it might not be so awkward. We were able to have a short conversation about work and the Golden Globes, which is a vast improvement over where we used to be. I just have to expect little to get more.

Finally, I had to learn that I have no right to judge people for doing exactly what I would do. Since the Skylar incident certain people haven’t said 2 words to me and have blatantly ignored me. I finally got some clarity on the issue and realized that they are doing exactly what I would do in the same place.

And the test? Not to be a bitch. There were multiple times where I could have pointed out the double stands of several people and decided that it wasn’t worth it. I held my tongue about the dramas that I did see and was kind for those who needed it. It was hard because my bit is to be a brat, a snot and witty but I realized that if I can’t stop myself from crossing the line then I should just be silent. I don’t think this will last long but hey, I’m trying.

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