Friday, January 07, 2011

High Horse

I am trying to get myself back on the horse regarding my eating decisions. the boy and I are still trying to avoid sugar, corn syrup and carbs like we have been through the last two years but I finally cracked over the course of the holidays. Not during the holidays of course--because that would be expected.

The irony is Johnno had made point of bringing up how good I had been in the face of temptation--the parties, the dinners, the gifts and how I managed to dodge cookies and candy and pasta. it wasn't until the DAY AFTER Christmas that I finally lost all restrain and ate so much sugar that i woke up sick to my stomach the next day. and so I decided it was time to readdress the whole deal.

I needed to get back on a proper workout schedule--I hadn't since i started the new job and would only work it in here and there. i made a lot of excuses but knew that it was time to stop with that. i bought myself a chin up bar and have been rocking that out with some success--though I am no Linda Hamilton in T2

And I have been attempting to forgo cheese--at least during the week. i am not sure how this will play out long term with our already restricted eating plan. I am worried about needing more options but it hasn't driven me crazy yet. And i am trying to rediscover the balance between healthy eating with the right amount of meals and choices.

it's hard.

But that being said--I know what I can do because I have done it before. Fighting off a few pounds that returned and staying on track is not that hard to do. I just have to resist the urge to ply the boy with bad food so that he chubs and makes me look thinner by default.

That would not be cool.

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