Monday, January 16, 2006

Trying to Be Good.

So I had one of those conversations this weekend that truly made me wonder if I am a good person. It was a side talk late one evening where I learned that something I did was upseting someone I love unintentionally and it made me wonder--am I good person?

I know that I can never be perfect; I talk shit, wear sarcastic shirts, smoke too much and spend too much time in the mirror. I'm not always a team player, in the mood, or as understanding as I could be and I know that people think less of me for this.

But I am always trying to be better. I have long talks with friends when they need someone to listen, I am more poltical than most people I know, I donate money and clothes when I can to the things I believe in but I can only do so much.

I guess I am tired of being held up to some standard of how people are supposed to be instead of being respected for the person I already. I can only appologize for so much and do so much.

It's just hard to feel wrong for being me. It's all I've got.

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