Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sometimes You Have to Wonder

So I talked to Samuel last night. We were on the phone for three hours, dancing from writing to television to boyfriends and family; we're both invested in our seperate happiness. It's weird because I have never had an ex that I am still so connected to but it is nice and novel. It feels right.

But as we were talking I was thinking about all the times it has come up, but not to my face, about how my friends talk to Johnno about Samuel. They're never directly rude, that I know of, but they constant imply that my relationship with Samuel was not a good one. In the sense of they just put up with me dating him and, by default, dealt with him only because of that. It makes me feel like a fool.

Not because I regret the relationship with Samuel; I don't. But it makes me wonder how honest my friends were about that relationship if all they have to say is such negative things about it and him. I can't help but wonder if they just went along with it because it was easier than pointing out there was a problem. And if that is what they were doing then it makes me wonder about what else they keep from saying to me.

I am more curious than worried, more bummed than angry about the situtation.

There is also a part of me that says that after any and all break ups--we all latch on to the negative things so that we can help our friends move on from heartbreak. That I am reading too much into the casual diss, the slight revisionist history that seems to have sprung up in the aftermath. It's easier than thinking that my friends would just sit by and watch me make a fool of myself.

1 comment:

jen said...

My friends pointed out some things during my crappy relationship last year but they never really crossed any boundaries like telling me how they REALLY felt...until it was over. I've done the same with them too. We've talked about it and it seems like you don't want to really tell your friends that their significant other is a jerk/not good enough for you/crazy/insensitive because you feel like they won't listen to you. It was sorta true. My roommate tried to point out that some very serious things were wrong with my ex and I and I wasn't really willing to listen at the time because I was thinking, "You don't know what its like. You're not in this relationship. You're only seeing one side of it."

I think we all feel like that when we're in a relationship that some may not completely approve of because we feel the need to justify our choice to stay in said relationship.