Monday, July 13, 2009

Not A Diet

So Johnno and I have started on a new eating plan. It is basically like a no crab diet except it is really a no sugar meal plan for the first few weeks. It's been hard mostly because in the past when I've done it I have been able to eat certain things freely that I can't on this one. Johnno is really good at the food portion of the plan while I have really struggled--that said I am much better at the workout portion of things that he is.

That said, it's hard to be two gay boys in love when you can't do much. I also know that he is having a much quick bodt change than I am and it is kind of driving me crazy. It's not a competition but I would like to succeed.

But it is hard to avoid sugar and corn syrup and anything ending couse. (Spelling?) I like to be able to eat pretty quick with no prep but this plan has a lot of prep. But the bonus is I have learned how to make sugar free mayonaise as well as fake potatoes out of califlower. Both have turned out to be rather tasty if I say so myself.

Don't even get me started on fake sheppard's pie.

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