Saturday, May 26, 2007

Unexpected Delights

Last night was rather nice. I was a litle depressed because of the situtation with my mom and sister--due to circumstance we weren't able to meet up again before they headed back to Boston and I was feeling guilty about the whole affair. I think things could have been better if I knew sooner they were coming and so i could have cleared my schedule better but it was not to be. Instead I was able to head out to drinks with Lizzie, Bess, Shelly and Joy over at Mexacalli.

It was nice to get some face time with the girls that I don't see enough. I got to hear a rather funny story about Shelly's trip up north, make plans to go out tonight with Lizzie Bess and Shelly for a film and get to catch up a bit with Joy. Later I headed out to Match where I was able to meet up with Valeska, Kelly and Johnny as well as some of Valeska's friends. It was also important for me to touch bases with kelly about some things and it seems everything is good in the world.

It's nice to go out and just have a fun and laid back night for a change. It was unexpectedly delightful and something i need to try and do more of.

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