Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Guess Who’s Back—And Not Being A Bitch About It

So I have been hiding out as of late. There are a number of reasons; that I have been boring and dull and not getting much accomplished. It could also be that I have been living on the edge about certain things that were going to come to pass. Things that I didn’t really want to deal with.

See--sometimes you know life is going a certain way and you don’t want to believe it and so you do everything in your power to ignore or avoid it. And I have been doing a lot of both because acknowledging what was going down was going to get me thinking about why it was going down and that’s not good for any of us.

I understand that things sometimes happen and spiral out of control—that people get carried away in the moment with even thinking about it. I can even get behind the ideal that people don’t mean what they do—up to a point. But there is always a right way/right time/right place to do something. What I don’t understand is when people do something blatantly stupid without thinking of those consequences at all.

And now all I can do is put things behind me and move forward. Not think too much about the who/what/how of things and just get back to being me. To not hold grudges even if they are justified and just move on beyond it. And to remember what to trust in—which is always harder than it looks.

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