Wednesday, May 11, 2005

A Really Nice Prom Mess

I stumbled onto this book by accident and was intrigued by the first chapter and figured I'd take a chance. This was probably the best choice I have made in awhile.

The book starts strong with the prom plot set up with the fake dates, drunk high school girls and closted hotties but goes off the rails (In a good way) with deaf dancers, drug dealers, skinny dipping, smoking pot, car chases, cute cops and more plot twists than seems possible.

The book reads like a smart, funny, slapstick, heartfelt comedy and managed to make me laugh, smile, cry, and not put it down. It's just a great summer read that has one the best cast of characters ever--you might not like all of them but they all need to be there and they all work to form one of the most daring books I have read in a long time.

Just read it!

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