Monday, March 28, 2005

Happy Zombie Day or Easter Cometh.

Easter this year felt like a 2-day event more than the boring holiday that I grew up with. It started out with the basics—a haircut, bill paying to make up the bulk of my day. I had a lovely dinner with Charity, composed of b-celeb sightings and Indian cuisine. I had fun running around town with my new hair and feeling caught up on the boring stuff of credit cards and student loans.

The night was where it became the fun—a big group of the holiday misfits met up for bbq, drinks, smoking and dancing on Kelly’s rooftop. It seemed everyone had fun—with Valeska cuddling the boyfriend, Shannon being snarky, Davis overly offensive (in a good way), Thomas witty as Lola danced up a storm and Kelly was in the center of it all.

People got drunk and won board games—damn you Grant and Joy—and there was a lot of laughter. I watched the sun come up with Patti and even managed to hook up with Mitch the neighbor before hitting the big sleep. It reminded me how great my life out here can be and I’m very grateful for it.

Easter itself was a food and film fest with great potatoes and bad films. We laid like broccoli and talked about random shite. People enjoyed kinder eggs and each other. It was like the holidays I wished I had growing up. It was a great couple of days.


Anonymous said...

all you do is complain. your life is a waste. no wonder we all hate you.

Rory said...

LOLOLOLOL--you crack me up... Is that meant to be the royal 'we' or are you speaking for a particular person....