Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Get Into It

So I’m finally getting in the process of being excited for the cruise. The passport is here, the sea pass printed and transportation handle. (Thanks Rocky) So now all is left is to think about outfits and activities. We’re all been shopping and grooming and get ready for a wild time. And while there is slight drama it should be fun.

I think I have decided on my theme for the trip—something I do a lot when I go out of town. I’m thinking of making my look kind of a ‘Now, Voyager’ meets ‘Love Story’; preppy with elements of tragic overtures. Like sunglasses and black and lots of collared shirts and high end shoes.

(If you don’t know, ‘Now Voyager’ is a Bette Davis film all about her mother makes her crazy, she goes to a sanitarium where she becomes sane, sosphiscated and sexy, ends on an exotic cruise to South America as suggested by her doctors and falls in love. There’s more to the story than that but why ruin it? And ‘Love Story’ is college grads dealing with cancer in Cambridge. Very white, clean and preppy.)

I plan on being in layers—no scarves though as that would make it wicked gay—with sweaters and hats and no funny t-shirts but sad t-shirts. I plan on bringing a copy of ‘War and Peace’ with me or maybe so Kafka. I haven’t thought that far ahead. But there will be lost of forlorn looks for the pictures sure to come from the trip.

It’s going to effing rock!

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