Monday, February 27, 2006

Rory Randomness

1) My boyfriend got a haircut. With his glasses, a black t-shirt and the new hair all I want to do is spend the day curled up in bed making love and eating ice cream.

2) Edie is back and in full effect. After spending Friday night with her and Ali in Palm Springs—I forgot what fun it is to just go on an adventure because you can.

3) A friend of mine took care of some “unfinished business” and I am dying for details.

4) All my girls are back in town and I am craving a girls’ night of wine and Chipolte.

5) I realized that I am unable to hang with geeks very well per the birthday thing I went to. I feel bad about this.

6) I got to know the boy’s best friend a bit better. And I realized they talk in twinglish.

7) I need to recreate my post card art to make my room feel finished.

8) I feel very slow today at work—like I am pushing through water.

9) I can find any random song on google in 2 seconds. Why I am proud of this I don’t know.

10) I feel bad about not returning all my phone calls or making enough new ones. And it is not cause of the boy but rather I am tired all the time.

1 comment:

jen said...

I just learned the wonders of chipotle this year!!