Thursday, December 02, 2004


I just sent this e-mail to Jeremy--the ghost of Xmas Past--as now.

We have totally hooked up before--this time last year as a matter of fact. Were you the guy that was asking me to help find him a job and had the boyfriend living with you and then dumped?

Whoa--I think I am offically tired of men's bullshit!

His response?

I don't think so

And then he sends me his pix which is the same one I have from last year... I am so debating letting him come over and just not doing anything with him--pulling a Kelly just to blue ball him!

1 comment:

buff said...

You could do that. But maybe there is a better way of handling it. I don't want you to be passed over by Daddy Santa this year. I think he'll be extra nice to you, but he has this thing about guys with ex boyfriends.