I haven't written much lately. I have been a bit busy just out living my life but not enough of it to demand that I divest myself here. But I decided that maybe some pictures will make it look more interesting.
So here goes

I have spent a lot of time here with the boy. Johnno and I have developed a fondness for naps and cuddling and spooning among other things. And on the days he leaves the dollhouse for work I actually get out of bed and usually walk him out to his car. This is strange new territory.
I guess you could blame some of our napping on this

It's not the best wine but let's be honest--it is the only label I should be drinking on a regular basis. It comes in a white and a red and was randomly discovered at a BevMo! so it came home with me and the boy. It seems to be needed more and more.
It makes me feel creative which led this...

I call this thing of beauty a 'stashe on a stick'. It was created from a chopstick and a random fake moustache I had from a past Halloween--mostly due to the fact I did not have any way to attached said moustache to my face. Instead I ended up looking like this all night.

I think it comes off very Glenn Close in 'Dangerous Liasons' which seemed to amuse most people at Stevie's birthday party. It also led to the birth of 'Two out of two Rorys argee' as a verbal arguement against bad druken decisions--it is a loving tribute to "Kids in the Hall".

I think 50 Helens would agree that it was a lovely party as well. Whether or not Stevie had a good time is up to debate but I had to make an early escape with the boy to get home early enough to get to work on a hot little number.

It's a onesie that I designed by hand for Heath and Ruby's baby shower. And while I don't think the little one (or her parents) needs to ever know how tanked I was during the creation of said onesie--I think it's quite good. No butts about it.

But there will be more and better entries soon. I'm just stockpiling.
omg....i want to nap with you and drink ironic wine.
mment freaked me out. I thought it was Chance from Big Brother flirting with me. My heart almost stopped
your bed color choices make me love you more then ever.
That onesie is amazing. You could sell those- no joke.
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