There are times when I swear that I might be working in a frat house instead of a high end production company. Like when I see at least one television permanently glued to the sports in EVRY room. Or maybe it's the fact that there are constant updates being passed via e-mail for a game that is on the TV in every room.

Or it could be the men's' room where it seems every guy on staff likes to either talk on the phone—or in one case eat—while standing at the urinal. (I am assuming the eating guy was IMPORTANT and BUSY to have to do this.) It might be the fact that guys never close stall door when doing whatever in them and just keep talking like nothing is going on. Now if this was a dorm—or maybe even some place more public such a movie theatre—I could understand this. But this is a workplace. Not the lost set of 'Animal House'.
But of course nothing tops this morning conversation which managed to revolve around the guys going to a bar (SHOCKER) to watch the recap of same game we had on in the office. (ALL AFTERNOON) I got to listen as they talked about getting our intern so shitfaced he puked in the parking lot (AND HOW THEY ALMOST LEFT HIM THERE) before they went to another bar to pick up some girls (NO WAY). But the cherry to my day is that I got to hear about how one of the guys didn't change clothes from yesterday (WHICH EXPLAINED THE VODKA SMELL) which led to a recap for the office about how some hot, skanky, sweaty girl sat on his lap—sans panties—and left a wet spot on his pant leg thus earning his jeans the nickname 'pussy pants'.
But the best part to this story? The men in question were ALL OLDER THAN ME. Not only am I working in a frat but it might actually be with frat extras from "Animal House". You know it's sad when the brats from your MTV show are the most mature thing you deal with during your day.

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