New York City landmark CBGB is closing its doors!
The legendary music venue is shutting down for good after a protracted rent dispute with the building's landlord.
The rent dispute began last year, when the Bowery Resident's Committee sent a notice that Kristal owed $91,000 in back rent. Kristal contended the bill stemmed from rent increases he was never told about. He said the terms to renew the lease were double or triple the $19,000 he paid per month.
A deal reached shortly after the lease expired on Aug. 31, 2005, allowed Kristal to stay in the club for 14 more months - in exchange for ending the court battle and attempts to turn the space into a historic landmark.
A performance by punk pioneer and CBGB alum Patti Smith this coming Sunday will be the final show of the club's iconic 32-year history.
CBGB owner Hilly Kristal, however, is negotiating to open a CBGB in Las Vegas, perhaps by March.
"CBGB's changed the face of rock in New York City and gave countless bands opportunities they might never have had ... to be seen and heard ... at the palace of punk," says Lou Reed. "It will be sorely missed if it does in fact go into the ether of memories."
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