So this morning I arrived at work a bit early and was talking smack with my cousin DJ as finishing up my cigarette. I do this often because of the time difference I find it easy to keep up with my East Coast friends and family by calling first thing in the morning. Its kind of become a ritual.
One side note—I work in the DGA building down in Hollywood which is only important in that the entire front of the building is glass. Now you might think that this would allow you to see inside easily but it is very tinted—like rap gangsta SUV tinted—so it is next to impossible to see.
Usually in the mornings, after I finish my smoke and my phone call, I head in and chat briefly with the security guard because he’s usually lonely since I am one of the first faces he sees. He’s a nice guy and is very happy which usually gets me started off on the right—that and he’s good at the heads up as to who’s already come in that morning. It’s a lot like the guard from ‘The Devil Wears Prada’.
Back to the story though. DJ and I were just at the tail end of our shite canning the various family members and just about to hang up so I stubbed out my smoke and made for the door. As I opened the door I gave a little shocked gasp because there were people crowding the lobby. Not just a couple of people—close to about 70.
As if this wasn’t starling enough—I opened the door in front of a caravan of nuns. All habits and sensible shoes. Needless to say I stopped short and just went flushed. My cousin was freaking out on the phone because I had stopped mid-sentence. The last thing I remember saying was ‘I can’t handle this’. There might have been more but I don’t remember.
But what I do remember was the nuns parting so I could make my way through. I felt like they were just kind of staring at me. Which was possible because I was wearing my ‘Love is for Losers’ t-shirt. I barely made it in the elevator with a straight face.

I hadn’t realized the Christian Film Festival was starting that early this morning.
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