Friday, January 21, 2005

Revelations ala Rory

As with any period of drama and self-inspection there is always a slew of revelations. Here are some of the things that I came to realize.

1) I have left myself go in the looks. I’m getting more than a little tubby. Time to strap on the skates and get busy.

2) That I am a drama queen. I am someone who gets involved, who takes offense for slights to others and meddles. I don’t think that this is the worst fault to have but I have to owe up to the fact that it will get me in trouble.

3) I am at a creative plateau of sorts. I haven’t written something that I have been truly proud and excited about in 6 months. This has to change.

4) In order to meet guys I have to actually try. I can count on my fingers the number of times I have been in a situation to meet men. I need to leave the comfort zone more.

5) I need to get better at networking for work. Drinks, e-mails and dinners need to happen for me to develop good work avenues.

6) Friends need more effort put in. Calling people, hanging out and just doing the social thing can happen more and I need to not use the car as an excuse.

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