Thursday, November 18, 2004

How the Cookie Crumbles

Unless something changes soon—I didn’t get the story job with the Shatner show. I’m actually kind of fine with this development. The show is a nightmare, plagued with issues for Mr. Shatner due to Spike TV so I’m not super concerned about missing out on some great chance.

The new job is okay—night hours do mess with one’s head but nonetheless the show I’m now on is easier and a lot more up my alley. It’s about kids and helping people so I can’t look at it and say that I object to it in anyway.

Outside of that, I’m keeping busy and really trying to solidify my next couple of steps in terms of my writing. I think I’m close to come up with a good novel idea—blog format of course—very “Tales of the City” as well as trying to focus on advice idea. Between dealing with the e-mail switch as well as the return of Neddy—well the plate is close to full.

And now I just have to get up the balls to call the boy. I don’t know—I’ve heard nothing since Halloween weekend, which either means he’s scared of me, read my blog or isn’t interested. And I don’t know which is the best scenario.

But I am going to Vegas for the weekend with the crazy ones so maybe that will give more than a hang over—here’s to hope chance is with me. Pun intended.

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