Sorry it has ben so lon since I wrote... Just that last Wedensday I woke up and couldn't move... Uh-huh... No possible body movement. Turns out that the big bad sickness was just what I thought it was, a nasty virual infection in my intesties that caused them to swell... So it was pushing around everything else inside and making walking up right (one of the few things that seperates us from aniamlas and babies) extermly painful.
So after a long internal debate about who to call to take me to the emergency room... (when you don't have health insurence it just seems rather stupid to call for an ambluence when you won't ever be able to pay that cost) I randomly called my friend Charity to see if she was around. Turns out she was up the street hanging out at my old job and stuff. Taking this as a sign, I managed to get out what was going on and she was upset that I had waited to even ask her for help. We then spent six hours in the emergency room, during which time I blacked out once, got really crabby several times and the rest I don't remember. I then proceeded to get examed by a man older than my grandfather, who had a habit of questioning my answers to his questions. "When was the last time you were in a foreign country? Years ago.... Are you sure? Yes... Well, have you had sex with any recent immagrents recently? No, I have had sex recently... Are you sure? Yes.....) This conversation went on for about 45 minutes then I finally got some perscriptions and got out of Dodge....
Then Charity and I did the hunt for drugs and pay full price cause of no insurnce... Needless to say, my next job will have some type of benefits and I will take them.... But after a couple of vicadin and comfort food.... I did start to feel a littlke better... Though it did take me till today, four days later, to be able to sit up right long enough to write this all down.... So, I guess I'm better now... Can walk across the apartment without crying out at all... And that is a major improvement. Just in case you wanted to know.
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