Thursday, July 28, 2005

Everything was Worth It

So last night was amazing. The last of the 24-hour shows went up and it was just good. My piece—the one that caused so many problems—went up so beautifully it made me cry. The actors and Kirby just nailed the piece as I saw it and became what I say in my mind. I never thought that would be possible.

Joy’s piece was just as amazing and I felt so proud of her and her work. The best part of the night was seeing the entire Fringe piece going up and seeing how well it worked together and all we had gone through—Ruby, Chuck, Kirby, Valeska and even Joy as worth it. Theatre done well and smart and just so dead on.

I do again in a heartbeat. Thanks to all who came and who helped. I love you for it.

1 comment:

jen said...
