Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Girl Weekend Blues....

okay. So i'm gonna bitch. Just a little and it is not appriorate but whatever.... Deal.... I guess I'm just annoyed about this entire girl weekend trend. I just feel like it is one of the few that I am ever excluded from my friends lives and I know it is not about me but still... It just makes me feel like an outisder which is something that happens every so often.

the truth is that my life is packed with a lot of close female friends that help me get through most of my shite. And I really don't have many close male friends and even less , as in no, gay friends. And so the few times that lines get made in my world I just get annoyed. And no one feels like I do.

i know that, to some degree, I made this life of my choice and as such I have no right to be upset when I am left behind. But even still... I can't ignore this feeling of just being left out. And so I think about making changes to my life of a large scope, what drives me sometimes, is to just get away from the loniness and maybe find a place where I can belong.

THis isn't meant to be a diss about my male friends, I do love Davis, Willis, Jeremiah and even Dominic but it is not the same thing and I just wish that at least once i could be included in the fun of an out of town, just my close friends hanging out in a different space. But maybe i want tot much.


jen said...

Up in SF, there is no "Girl" weekend. Umm. Cause I'd be the only girl.

So, we have "People" weekends. Because we're all just people, really.

Once something becomes single sexed for no other reason than penis' and vaginas, things get weird.

Sometimes there are all-male orgies I'm not invited to because of my lack of penis.

Somehow, I don't think this is quite the same situation you speak of though.

(*Note my desperate plea to have you come up here*)

Anonymous said...

There's a "girls weekend" this weekend?

-a girl