Friday, July 30, 2004

Ethan Hawke tells all...

SO I read this rather interesting article in "Rolling Stone" where Ethan talks about being a pretenious artist when younger but his response to that claim is that he had to take himself serious asan artist because if the artist doesn't do that then who else will. I guess that thought makes sense, that only we can choose to be an artist and that is we aren't serious about, continue to study our art and work on it regardless of work and social events then we can make great stuff... I wish I could word better what this means but it makes sense on some many more levels...


Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor and kill yourself now. Holy god... i have never read a more pathetic person.

Anonymous said...

do yourself a favor and disregard the other comment now. I have never read a more pathetic troller of blogs.