Friday, September 01, 2006

Ain’t Nobody’s Bizness if I do.

The boy and I have been a bit out of sorts as of late. Due to the hectic schedule it seems we’ve either on our way to people, coming home from people, or hanging out with people but not much one on one time. And with work, other friends and out separate creative stuff it had been a while since we even spent the night together much less hung out and talked.

The one I always seem to forget when it comes to a relationship is how easy it gets after a certain point to not make time together, to not connect and instead just be another phone call or quick hug in the course of the day. That sometimes a couple has to work at making it special and more than just crossword puzzles, bad TV or a quick meal in between other things. That you have to remember to keep it fresh and romantic at points so you remember why you’re together.

I had been feeling this way for a little bit and had even a small chat about it with Kirby when it turns out that Samuels’ friend Renee canceled on him for the usual Friday night plans. I was just expecting the boy to come over with some snacks and some ‘Babylon Five’ so we could lounge about the whole evening. Imagine my surprise when Samuel showed up with a bottle of red wine and no further ambition then to just talk and snuggle. We spent the whole night with just candles and Billie Holliday and some good old fashion love making.

It’s funny because sometimes you wonder if you’re the only who misses certain things and then you realize that you are in synch as a couple. And it was so good we spent most of the weekend just wrapped up in each other. Say what you will about the boy but I love him. It’s nice to get back to that.

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