What I Think Of You
Can you name 21 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Dont read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 21 people.
Ready, Start!
1. Jenneddy
2. jen kilburn
3. Brandy
4. Michael
5. Jessica
6. Lil jen
7. Emmy
8. Heather
9. Lise
10. Kat
11. james
12. Aj
13. Becky
14. Matt
15. Loren
16. Nichole
17. Missy
18. Shaun
19. Leah
20. Mercy
21. Scaia
Now answer the questions according to the names listed below
How did you meet 14?
Through friends at the Blue Room.
What would you do if you had never met 6?
Never would have trusted in my writing. She inspires me.
What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
I would faint.
Would 4 and 12 make a good couple?
No. Too much jew--just kidding.
Describe 8:
Smart, artistic, devouted, feminist, heartbreaker.
Do you think 13 is attractive?
She's my style idol. Really
Tell me something humiliating about 17.
I have nothing--really just a classy lady all around.
Do you know any of 4's family members?
I have spoken with a couple of brothers on the phone. But I guess I will.
What's 21's favorite color?
I'm gonna say blue.
On a scale of 1-10, how hot is 10?
Depends--is she wearing pants?
What would you say if 18 just confessed they liked you?
I'd totally be into it--then fake my death so his wife doesn't kill me.
What language does 20 speak?
English, Latin, German, Spanish.
Who is 9 going out with?
Girl is single and ready to mingle.
What grade is 16 in?
Oh--she is fully done with school.
When's the last time you talked to 13?
Sunday day--though we dd e-mail back and forth yesterday.
What is 2's favorite band?
Aerosmith in college. Bare, Naked Ladies now.
Would you ever date 7?
No--she is already dating my boyfriend.
How long have you known 5?
September of 1998--we met at a party for my friend's birthday at my friend Iris' house.
Would you ever date 21?
I think that I would ice skate in hell first--no offense.
Is 11 single?
What is 19's last name?
Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 1?
We already have a serious relationship.
What school does 3 go to?
The school of hard rock.
Where does 15 live?
Los Feliz.
Are number 7 & 8 Best friends?
Not that I know of--though I'll check for BBF braceletts later.
Do you like 4?
I would like to think so.
How do you feel about number 11?
I wish we were closer.
How did you meet 17??
First day of college--she lived next door and ask if we wanted to play cards. I was a bit of a bitch.
What's the coolest thing you've ever done with 19??
We both taught at the same summer camp and would spend our free time playing gaga. We rock at that shite.
Would you ever date 6?
We would kill each other. Very Liz taylor-Richard Burton circa 'Who'ss Afraid of Virgina Woolf?'
Who would 10 make the best couple with??
Who's hotter... 6 or 14??
#6. Lil Jen is sso hotte it hurts. Sorry Matt.
What Harry ppotter character is 16?
If 5 were a model... who would they be on the poster for?
Sunny Delight.
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