Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Lazy River Awaits

So this time next week I will be in the middle of nowhere, drunkenly floating on a river and possibly sunburnt and mostly likely smelly. One of the perks of this summer--turning down BB--and the perks of my job--they can be so flexible--is that I am able to do things that normally I have had to turn down.

In this case it is travel.

Every summer Edie's brother Edward hosts a group of friends at the family cabin out in the middle of the woods. Edie herself goes when she is not working and the invite has always been extended to any of us LA friends who want to make the trip. This year Johnno decided that my birthday gift would be free tickets to anywhere I wanted to go in the states and while I tried to make certain other places work--San Fran--I just could not pass up on the chance to head to the Midwest.

It is funny that in all our years of friendship I have never been to see where Edie grew up. It's not that I couldn't or that she would turn me away but I just never felt that it was the right thing. But with Edward getting married next year and everything--it just worked out between my job and Johnno's gift to be the right time to make the trip.

It helps that Edie, Valeska, Kelly, Dominic and Isabella will all be making the same trip. It will be fun for the LA kids to be somewhere new and take part in the tradition. The only bummmer is that I am going with Johnno--I always feel sad when one of else gets to do amazing things without the other--but I know that we will both have fun regardless.

That being said--I have no idea what to pack. Between a lack of beds, possible plumbing and bathing in a river I will be all out of sorts. But I will get to met Chantal--Edie's Chicago friend, drink in the woods like a farmboy and possibly find a new tradition. I can do this

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