So this past week has been crazy. Not in a bad way but between a full Dollhouse, a taste of adventure and various opportunities I have been out and about much more than I should be when I am jobless. But guilt notwithstanding, here's a good summary of the whats and wheres of my adventures.
The R Bar.

This is the Los Angeles pirate bar where you need a password to get in and guts to brave the streets of Korea Town to even park. Edie, Lola and I hit this up on Thursday because the Dollhouse likes field trips and they can't all be shopping ones.
I had a great time. I did not need to know they had a free vodka cocktail hour on Thursday. That is scary.
Next on the list was an impulse stop. Edie had seen a coffee house near the bar and thought we should stop in. This is what I saw after a handful of cocktails.

Its name is Captain Jack and it is a Titanic themed, Korea as first language, heart and love pillowed coffee house that feels like it should be of ill repute. The patio is filled with ugly fountains of cherubs and angels but it gets better.

The waiters only come when you push a button and can only take an order when you point it out on the menu.

The mugs have flashing lights in them and are also covered in little hearts... They have to have the bottoms pressed to keep the lights flashing and I was all over that.
The next night was Friday and Johnno and I decided to butt in on Lola and Sabine's plans to sing karaoke a little bar in Venice near where both Sabine and Johnno live. I went online to find out more about it and read the following on Yelp.
"I only brought $20. I figured, judging by other LA bar experiences, that $20 would be enough to get me barely buzzed. Nope. The fantastic Joules, our tender, would never allow that. Drink after drink came, and I was as drunk as I have been in years. Just obliterated. We start the stumble home and I, being a complete fucking moron, get separated from our group and proceed on my own. At 3am. Through a shady ass area.
Suffice to say, I woke up in a bush hours later, 20 yards off the road with no wallet, keys, or cell phone and a huge welt on my head and no memory of what happened. Yup. Mugged. No shit.
I get an email the next day from a gorgeous girl saying she found my keys and wallet on the concrete in front of her work. I get my stuff, we start chatting, one thing lead to other things...
So you may be asking yourself, after this story, after this asshole got mugged, how in the world is this a 5 star review? Look back up... I brought $20, and was drunk to the point that my dumbass got myself mugged! Off $20! AND I met a cutie out of the deal!'
So needless to say I was a bit leery of the whole thing. And after some internal debate and some sly pushing from Johnno we were off and made our way to the bar

After some nerves and parking lot smokes, we made our way in to find Sabine and Romanna right inside the door and happy to see us. The bar was dicey, some of the crowd seemed rough but after a drink or two I didn't care. Of course I slammed my drinks because the girls had signed me and Johnno up to sing--something I had not expected. Of course, being nervous I went for a song I knew all the words to even if not all the notes.
Everyone took a turn on the mic but the best moment was as we left Molly--a friend of Lola's--found the perfect place to take the last picture of the evening.

This car really summed up our experience.
The next night was Dominic's housewarming party. The Dollhouse was full stacked, stoked and ready to be sauced for the night's adventures.

As you can see, we didn't have time to dress up and went out in our Tuesday casuals (TM Nolan) of fishnets, bandanas and wigs. But at least I didn't stick out too much because the boy was also 'invested' in having a good time at the party.

And a good time we did have. So much so that to put all the pictures would make this blog more of a brag than it already is. But that's just how we roll sometimes.
You know you loves it.